How to Find Time to Exercise

A conversation that comes up often with my clients is that they are having trouble finding time to exercise. We all live busy lives, and I find the greatest challenge is figuring out how to prioritize the time we have in a day. The simplest way to find time is to change the way you think about exercise. If movement is seen more as part of your self care routine, it will become more about CREATING time, rather than finding time that feels like it doesn’t exist.

PT Tip by Dr. Sam

Neck or back pain with sitting at your desk? Most of us changed our work space over the last year. I have been seeing more clients with pains due to sitting at their desk for too long or not having a proper at home set up. Here are a few tips to look out for in order to help with your set up.

The Power of the Pelvis with Dr. Kat Castro

Dr. Kat Castro PT, DPT is a physical therapist, movement teacher and intuitive guide. She specializes in pelvic floor health and supporting women throughout their prenatal + postpartum journey. She is also the Director of Growth and Development at PhysioElements in CT + NY. Her own personal healing work as a first generation Filipino – American and woman of color been rooted in movement and mindfulness practices.

Are You a Butt-Gripper?

During the pandemic, a friend was telling me about having back pain due to increased time in a seated position. I’m sure many people can relate to this, especially with the restricted opportunities to move about for those who are working remotely from home. Being in a prolonged sedentary position can cause all kinds of aches and pains, but for now, let’s start with sitting!

Weak Ankles?

When I was younger I was always told I have weak ankles. The solution was to wear ankle braces while running and playing soccer. Did this help? Probably not. Mentally it gave me security. However, I repeatedly sprained my ankles and now I have VERY stiff ankles after not rehabbing properly. I need to continuously work on them, especially as a runner.