How Physical Therapy Can Help Si Joint Pain During Pregnancy
December 2, 2019
SI (Sacroiliac) Joint Dysfunction is a common diagnosis we see in our prenatal and postpartum patients. We’ve heard various reasons why they have this diagnosis which can include “ your joint is out of alignment” or “you’ve always had a tilted pelvis”. Hmmm…. let’s reason this through!
The SI joints are involved in weight transfer from our legs to our trunk during movement. During/ after pregnancy, the hormone relaxin can contribute to ligaments laxity and weaken muscles, in which this case calls for some strength and stability work!
Determining the cause of SI joint pain is important because the issue is not always at the site of pain. If you are experiencing SI joint pain during pregnancy, you should look for a women’s health physical therapist who should be able to assess and determine the root cause of your pain.
At PhysioElements, we will look at posture, functional movements, and screen out any hip/spine/pelvic floor issues that maybe be contributing to your pain. We work on decreasing pain symptoms, restoring movement, and practicing load management with Pilates based exercise or weights!
If you have SI joint pain and would like to have a pain-free pregnancy, contact us to book your appointment in Greenwich ((203) 485-1435) or Manhasset (516-365-3455) !