3 Benefits Pilates Has to Offer (Other Than Flat Abs)
February 1, 2017
Getting flat abs with Pilates exercises is nothing you haven’t heard before. Since every single exercise in Pilates is done carefully with the core engaged and through proper sequencing of movement, it’s no wonder your abs get stronger and look better in no time. But besides that, what other benefits might there be?
When you have a strong core, like the one you’ll develop with pilates, the pressure you’d normally put on your lower back is no more. Core literally means center of the body. It is made up of all four sides of the body, including but not limited to the pelvic floor, diaphragm, transverse abdominis and multifidus muscles. Properly learning to engage and sequence the core helps to stabilize the spine and transfer weight loads throughout the body efficiently. When loads are transferred properly with a stable surface, you can prevent or decrease lower back pain and aches.
When you’re sitting at a desk or staring at your phone all day, you have a tendency to slouch which makes you seem shorter than you are. But a Pilates Practice can improve your posture immensely, helping you stand taller. How? All the movements in Pilates are initiated by engaging the core. The muscles are then strengthened in a lengthened position, which is called eccentric contraction. The movement is controlled and resisted by using springs with various resistance. The local stabilizers are facilitated through pilates exercises, activating the stabilizers, and learning to control each movement against gravity. Your posture muscles become stronger, and your Pilates Practice then helps you stand taller.
A huge focus during any Pilates Practice is intentional breathing. Intentional inhalation and exhalation with each exercise, combined with the sequence of movement, forces you to focus. When pelvis, ribcage and head is lined up, breathing is easier. Pilates uses lateral breathing to engage the intercostal muscles while lengthening the spine. Having an optimal breathing pattern assists in helping all systems in the body to be in an optimal state. The best part? Practicing this corrected breathing technique repetitively will carry over to when you’re not doing pilates.
These are just three ways a Pilates Practice can benefit you in your everyday life. But the benefits of Pilates are truly endless, especially when you work with a teacher to meet your individual goals and needs. At PhysioElements, we help everyone meet their goals through our unique Discovery program. Book your first pilates session with us here.